Monday, April 09, 2007

Pain Part Two


More often than not, A patient let his/her teeth rot till it reaches the nerve then will pain occurs. Decay of the hardest structure in the body-Enamel of Teeth- takes time. So usually by the time patients see the dentist with pain, it meant they let their teeth decay for some time.

So Dentists are to help the patient alleviate the pain he/she himself/herself has allowed to occur. Dentists are here to help. They don't create the pain directly. So be kinder to them next time you see them and don't blame them if it pains. Well, a good dentist try to minimize the pain as much as possible, but they aren't supermen. Still if it really pains, and you seriously think it's his/her fault, then maybe you can choose another one. Remember YOU'VE A CHOICE, MY DEAR!CHOOSE THE BEST!


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